So today I woke up on the funky side. I guess I really need to deal with my issues. I mean I have all these things I want to say but the person I need to say them to is not available so now I have all these conversations in my head and it's driving me nutts. It's like talking to so many people and yet there's only one person. What the Hell.... like get out of my head. Geez... SO now I'm thinking if I write down everything I want to say it might ease some of that pressure off yeah??? IDK though. Let's test this theory, I feel like telling this idiot to fuck off, like just disappear. What the hell does he think I am, some stranded pushover that has nowhere to go or no prospects at all? Like dude, if you had met me earlier, I would never have given you the time of day. I literally lowered my fucking standards because everybody told me it was a good decision... Yeah right, now I'm stuck with our ass. I mean you traded up and I got what... Fucking bull crap, that's what I got. Like it's time for your ass to go home, do some growing up and call me when you are ready to be a grown up. Matter of fact with all this information on the internet, you can actually download how to act mature, and when the download is complete, give me call. I cannot raise your already grown up ass and deal with shit in the real world. It's just fucking draining... I am not your mother so I will not act or play the part. What the hell. Just take a walk, take a hike matter of fact I can give you a ride as long as it's literally in the opposite direction. Need some help figuring out how to it? Take one step then another in the oppoite direction and you will know you are going in the right direction. Phew. Now that's a mouthfull.... Wish I could actually say that though, because I have this thing where I just don't wanna hurt this fool... eeehh, WTH, might as well right??? UNTIL NEXT TIME... STAY COOL...


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