So when all that's good seems to be turning bad in a small space of time. How fast it all seems to down. Don't give up hope, don't stress. They say when you're down sometimes it's not such a bad thing because the only way from there is up. You can not always look at the down side all the time. Take me for example, in the last three months, my life has had such a huge turn around. From bright and shiny days to low and gloomy mornings. Now, what am I gonna do about that? Will I cry and whine about it all or will I just smile and move on knowing somehow, somewhere, it's gonna get better? Let me tell you what I am gonna do, I will smile. Yes my boyfriend is an ass and right now I don't even know what is gonna come of everything. And yes, things at work are not going so well at the moment. Even I don't know what to do to turn things around. So, I have decided to ask myself a question, what have I been doing wrong lately. What decisions have I made that are turning everything topsy turvy. At this point in time it's always good to go back to the genesis. The beginning always makes us understand why and what we did to make everything bad. I realised that God has a way of showing us that indeed He is God. I made all the right decisions whenI decided to make Him the reason for living. When I thought of Him before doing anything first. At that point, He made sure all I did went well. Protected and blessed all my endeavors. So this now makes me ask myself a question, have I stopped putting Him frist? Do I no longer consider His Majesty before anything happens? The answer to that is simple.YES! Lately I made decisions that took me further and further away from Him. My relationship no longer consisted of Me and God but of Me and Mweetwa. Somehow, somewhere, I took God out of the equation and replaced Him with man. I didn't forget about Hiim and all He has done for me or will continue to do for me regardless. I just thought that because I knew Him, the man I loved would automatcally come into focus as well. I forgot that the road to success would only remain open as long as He was my main focus. Which makes me wonder how every decision we make no matter how bad or how stupid, He is always there to get us out of it. But then, does that mean that we should just take Him for granted and make all the wrong decisions because we know He will clean up our mess. NO! A wise man once said in ECC 2:24, "There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God". So what does this tell us? Does it say it okey to eat and drink and just act as we want? you could say that but he goes on to say in verse 26, "For God giveth to a man that s good in his sight and wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of Spirit". So it is wise to undertand that no matter what we do we should always remember that God will judge us for our deeds. So, now we go back to what I decided to do. I will find the things that make my heart sing. The will find what my heart deires and will do all that will make me laug and sing. All that will make me have a good life but I will not forget my God, the one true God YAHWEH. I will o my best to ensure that whatever I do that makes me smile does not bring sorrow to the heart of God. If God shoud judge me now, let me take it, because I have made stupid decisions that have brought Him sorrow and I cannot even step into His presence. But I pray thee all Lord, for all that is good and Holy, and for the son that you gave up for my salvation, that you forgive me and help me start afresh. I prayed for a faithful partner and hastened to take the firs man that came along, but seeing as I already made my choice, I figured I might as well stick it out with him yeah. I cannot help it and I cannot understad it, but I made the choice to love him and that I will do. I will not be unfaithful to him ever again and I promise too teach him more about you Lord so that he may be able to understand the concept of love and faihfulness. I feel so low because I have lost the man I love but I also understand that I have not completely lost him. I believe that he is the man I want to be with and I will love him and cherish him as long as he will let me. But what do you do when someone does not even understand that they deserve to be loved. When someone is so deep inhis sorrow that you can't seem to show him that he can trully be happy. Anyway, all that is just how things are. I will learn to be patient so that I can help him grow. Okey now that I have made a decision on what to do with my personal life, I need to figure out what to do at work. I need to stop overstressing myself and to understand that sometimes things won't always go my way. However, I will still give it my all and not give up. The only way from here is uo riht? I do hope that if there's anybody reading this right now and wondering what they will do about a few situations that seem to be going in a direction they weren't hoping for, taht this will help you to understand and hopefully make a couple decisions of your own. We don't always have it our way but I guarantee that at some point we do find our way and are able to make things right. At some point evrything has a way of sorting itself out. So stay strong and have faith. It is not always the easiest thing to do but it helps in the worst of situation.And to the one I love, know that no matter what happens you will always be in my heart. We may be upset with each other and say things we shouldn't but we will always find our way back to each other. TILL NEXT TIME MY FRIENDS.....


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